Free download abandoned cats
Free download abandoned cats

In fact, the most successful reunification method for cats is the cat returning home on its own. Lost cats are 10-50 times more likely to be reunited with their owners if they stay in the neighborhood of origin than through an animal shelter. Impoundment of healthy adult cats reduces the likelihood of reuniting families with pets:.It is the position of NACA that indiscriminate pick up or admission of healthy, free-roaming cats, regardless of temperament, for any purpose other than TNR/SNR, fails to serve commonly held goals of community animal management and protection programs and, as such, is a misuse of time and public funds and should be avoided.

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It is the position of the National Animal Care & Control Association that, at every opportunity, officers should work to educate the public regarding humane and responsible co-existence and care of pet and community cats, to include education on the benefits and resources for spay/neuter and vaccination responsible feeding and management practices for those choosing to care for community cats and effective methods to humanely deter and exclude animals from homes, structures and targeted areas. Animal Control Intake of Free-Roaming Cats

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